Linguistics at the University of Klagenfurt
On November 5, 2021, linguists from different departments and philologies at the University of Klagenfurt gathered from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for a Linguistic Research Day. The aim was to showcase the range of linguistic projects and research, to exchange ideas, to find points of contact, and to make linguistic research more visible at the university.
The QueSCo team was represented by the project leader Eva-Maria Graf as well as Melanie Fleischhacker and Frédérick Dionne. Together they gave a presentation entitled: “Question types and their coaching-specific functions – first linguistic insights of Questioning Sequences in Coaching”.

About the talk:
After a general introduction into the research topic “questions and questioning sequences in coaching” and its (linguistic) embedding, the project and its research design were briefly introduced. The main part of the talk was a presentation of the status quo, i.e., first linguistic results, in the form of a preliminary typology of question types. Finally, current challenges regarding the category system and further steps were discussed.