Arnulf Deppermann
Prof. Dr. phil. Arnulf Deppermann is head of the Pragmatics Department at the Leibniz-Institute for the German Language in Mannheim. He is a professor of German Linguistics at the University of Mannheim and a visiting Professor at the University of Helsinki (2018-2021). Dissertation in 1996 on “Glaubwürdigkeit im Konflikt. Rhetorische Techniken im Auseinandersetzungsprozess“; Habilitation in 2004 on „Grammatik und Semantik aus gesprächsanalytischer Sicht.“ His research foci are the following: conversation analysis, multimodal interaction, interactional semantics, longitudinal conversation analysis, psychotherapeutic interaction, narrating and positioning in conversations, methods of interaction analysis. Editor-in-chief of the online journal Gesprächsforschung and associate editor of the Journal of Pragmatics.
Eva Martha Eckkrammer
Prof. Dr. Eva Martha Eckkrammer studied at the University of Salzburg as well as the University of Coimbra. She has been a professor of Romance Linguistics and Media Science at the University of Mannheim since 2009. Furthermore, she taught at the University of Passau (2006-2009) and the University of Heidelberg (2001, 2009). She worked, inter alia, as a tour manager all over Europe as well as production manager at the “SommerSZENE” Salzburg. Numerous teaching and research stays took her abroad to, e. g., Aruba, Curaçao, Cuba, Brazil, Spain, France, and Italy. Her research foci are located in the areas of comparative media and text linguistics, multimodality research, professional communication (particularly expert-layperson communication in medicine), Creole Studies, and comparative studies of minority languages.

Peter Muntigl
Prof. Dr. Peter Muntigl is a Staff Scientist in the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication at Ghent University (Belgium) and an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University (Canada). His research explores language and social interaction in various health care contexts (counselling, psychotherapy, cognitive assessments, doctor-patient consultations) and has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. He is Associate Editor of the journal Frontiers (Psychology for Clinical settings). His most recent book on Affiliation in Psychotherapy Interaction will appear in Cambridge University Press.
Claudio Scarvaglieri
Prof. Dr. Claudio Scarvaglieri is a professor at Faculté des lettres at Lausanne University. He received his doctorate in 2011 from the University of Hamburg for his work on language in psychotherapy (“Nichts anderes al sein Austausch von Worten. Sprachliches Handeln in der Psychotherapie”). He investigated language and migration in Switzerland as a post-doc researcher at the University of Basel and the University of Neuchâtel (project “Urban Multilingualism in Switzerland: Communicative practices and language ideologies”, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation). His research foci are the linguistic psychotherapy process research, migration-induced multilingualism, language and mental processes as well as language in institutions.

Anja Stukenbrock
Prof. Dr. Anja Stukenbrock is a professor for German linguistics with a particular focus on language history at the Heidelberg University. Prior to this employment, she was a junior fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) and a professor at the Universities of Duisburg-Essen, Jena, and Lausanne. Dissertation on: “Sprachnationalismus. Sprachreflexion als Medium kollektiver Identitätsstiftung von 1617-1945“; Habilitation on “Deixis in der face-to-face Interaktion“. Project management of “Deixis and Joint Attention: Vision in Interaction (DeJA-VI)”, a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Her research foci are: multimodal conversation analysis, interactional linguistics, mobile eye tracking, psychotherapeutic interaction, language and collective identity, and historic discourse analysis.