For our fourth team meeting, the team members from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland got together from June 4-7, 2023, at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language in Mannheim. The meeting was organised by Prof. Dr. Thomas Spranz-Fogasy with the help of his team members Rukiye Burkart, Lara Mehr, Chantal Moos, and Annalena Weber. The main goal of the meeting in Mannheim was to discuss and organise next project steps. The main focus was on coding our data set with the help of the newly finished manual, which details our empirically developed, coaching-specific typology of question types and questioning sequences. Furthermore, the team reflected on the upcoming statistical / quantitative analysis. Additionally, the agenda included the coordination of tasks, current status updates, disscussing possible follow-up projects, publications, and cooperations, as well as lovely dinners with the team.

The following people participated in the team meeting:
- Eva-Maria Graf
- Hansjörg Künzli
- Thomas Spranz-Fogasy
- Frédérick Dionne
- Melanie Fleischhacker
- Rukiye Burkart
- Lara Mehr
- Chantal Moos
- Annalena Weber
- Lara Calasso
- Sandra Hinzmann
- Jana Spichtig