Gundula Fofana, MA
Leibniz-Institute for the German Language Mannheim
Gundula Fofana is a researcher at the Leibniz-Institute for German Language, Mannheim, and a lecturer in German Linguistics at the University of Mannheim.
Her research interests lie in the linguistic conversation analytical as well as the multimodal interaction analytical investigation of spoken language and embodied resources in helping interactions, such as medical consultations, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, and professional coaching.
In the project “Questioning Sequences in Coaching”, Gundula Fofana examines the coaching-specific functions of different types of questioning sequences using linguistic Gesprächsanalyse, on the one hand. The focus of these analyses is on the coach’s reaction to clients’ responses (third position) as a result of the coach’s initial question. On the other hand, she coordinates data management tasks and is responsible for creating, storing, and monitoring the corpus “Coaching Conversations”. She plans and supervises transcription work in Mannheim and Klagenfurt and oversees data transfer to the Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus Gesprochenes Deutsch (FOLK) and the Archiv für Gesprochenes Deutsch (AGD) at IDS Mannheim.
Please note: Gundula Fofana is currently on parental leave.