Assoz. Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Graf
English Department (University of Klagenfurt)
Eva-Maria Graf is a professor of applied linguistics working on, among other things, helping professional interactions with a special focus on coaching. She is a founder of linguistic coaching process research. Amongst numerous other publications in this field, she has authored the first linguistic monograph on coaching (“The Pragmatics of Executive Coaching”). In addition to the overall project management of the “DACH” research project “Question Sequences in Coaching”, she leads the Austrian team based in Klagenfurt. She has already been granted – also by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) – a three-year “Elise-Richter Habilitation” Fellowship.
Eva-Maria Graf has been working as a coach for many years focusing on coaching in academia. She is also a senior coach and trainer. Together with Hansjörg Künzli (as well as Elke Berninger-Schäfer and Robert Wegener), she is editor-in-chief of the journal Coaching | Theory & Practice.