Legal notice
Disclosure as per section 25 MedienG [Media Act]
Owner and Publisher:
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Graf
Universität Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
The owner and publisher for the website (https://questions-in-coaching) is Assoz. Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Graf head of the research project “Questioning Sequences in Coaching”. The content and editorial responsibility for the main pages of the University of Klagenfurt lies with Assoz. Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Graf.
Technical support:
The technical support for the WWW server is carried out by Central computing services (CCS) at the University of Klagenfurt. If technical problems occur, then please email
The content and graphic design, the programming and the implementation of the web presence have been created and implemented jointly by the project team, especially by Melanie Fleischhacker and Tamara Urach.
All texts on the website of the University of Klagenfurt have been produced with care. Irrespective of this, no guarantee can be provided for the information being correct, complete or up-to-date. Liability for the University of Klagenfurt is therefore excluded. Links to other websites have been carefully selected. As the University of Klagenfurt has no influence on their content, it accepts no responsibility for them.