Coaching Meets Research 2021 – Keynote

On November 19, 2021, Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Graf gives a keynote speech about coaching process research and researching questions in coaching entitled “Zu Chancen und Wirksamkeit des Coaching-Gesprächs – Fragen Sie Ihre Linguistin” as part of the 6thCoaching meets Research” congress. Her keynote deals with linguistic coaching process research and the advantages of an interdisciplinary cooperation (such as research on questions and questioning sequences) in this field. The congress is aimed at practitioners as well as scientists and the objective is to establish coaching research and to generate, discuss, and reflect scientific findings with the collaboration of practice.

Linguistic coaching process research

We know that coaching is effective, but we do not know exactly how. New data on the factors of effectiveness from psychological coaching research do not offer sufficient insight into what actually happens between the coach and the client while interacting with each other. The linguistic coaching process research, with its focus on the micro-level of the coaching conversation and the turn-by-turn co-construction by those involved, takes a detailed look at this interaction and its participants. In doing so, new findings about the local effectiveness of questions can be generated.

Interdisciplinary research

In order to understand the correlation between local and global effectiveness and thus to generate valuable knowledge about coaching practice, there is a strong need for cooperation between psychological and linguistic coaching research and their respective perspectives and methods.

Questioning Sequences in Coaching (“QueSCo”)

Finally, a current, interdisciplinary research project, based on linguistic and psychological coaching research, about questions as a central intervention in coaching and its relevance for coaching practice will be presented.


Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Graf, University of Klagenfurt, is a professor of English and Applied Linguistics. She is the founder of the linguistic coaching process research and is the leader of the first international and interdisciplinary research project on questions and questioning sequences in coaching in the world (funded by the FWF, DFG, and SNF) since March 2021. She is one of the editors-in-chief of the journal Coaching | Theory & Practice and has been working as a coach with an emphasis on women in science, as teaching coach, and coaching instructor at TeamSysPlus (Munich) for many years.

Research interests

Besides the entirety of linguistic topics on coaching the current research interests of Eva-Maria Graf are gender ideologies in language and discourse as well as football from a perspective of discourse analysis and multimodality.

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